Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sample Screenplay Scene: Opening




Brandon Royce

(Set Up: The Desert of Many Lands is a treacherous realm that hosts many mystical powers. Many try in vain to cross its sands in search of these mysteries. The Great Empire of the Superium has recently begun expeditions to discover resources in the desert, using their great sand crawling vessels called Arks.)

A golden sun peers over the horizon. Its rays pierce a vast sea of sand glittering like the stars. Pillars of rocky canyons loom in the distance. A large shadow begins to blanket the ground as a towering ship like vessel splits through the sand as if through water; an Ark of the Superium.



The ship's CAPTAIN, a leading officer called a Superior, stands near the bowside peak. He is a tall, slender man dressed in a navy blue cloak with bronze armor similar to a Roman legionaire. The armor is crescent moon shaped, particularly the helm which has a feathered plume sticking out from the crown. On his proud, gaunt features a pair of thick maroon stripes are painted from his eyes down to his chin. Next to him is a native GUIDE dressed in ragged garbs.

CAPTAIN Damn this desert. At times I can't tell if we're on sand, at sea or floating in the sky. Like a cloak or... a canvas or...
GUIDE A magic carpet.
CAPTAIN (scoffs) Sounds like your imagination is in working order.
GUIDE The things I've seen out here puts the imagination to shame.
I'm sure.


You'd be wise to pay the sands a little more respect cap'n. After all you're visiting their turf.

CAPTAIN (rolling eyes)
I sniff another tale brewing about the perils of the wild. Let me guess, a sand storm the size of a mountain that arose from thin air? A great genie who curses men and eats their hearts while in their sleep? You tribe folks all share the same tales. Doesn't matter if you're in an island, jungle, cave or desert there's only so many gods and beasts you can come up with to try to scare us off.


That does remind me of a tale.

It would be splendid of you to spare me.

GUIDE (ignores him)
They say this desert drapes a portion of the sea. When man first drew the sails of his great ships to conquer the world the sea goddess Ereiu feared for the lives of her creatures in the water. She bore a fearsome son, the serpent called Inkadu whom she sent to scour the deep and devour all men who voyaged across. For as long as Inkadu lived no man could cross the shores. But the demigod Quarus descended from the sky and split the monster's skull with the lightning of heaven. Upon its death the serpent's skin unraveled and spread across the ocean to create the desert we now see.


Sounds like this Quarus should have a monument in the Superium. A great patron for our warriors and hunters he would be.


The sea goddess still had her say though. There was much magic in the blood and scales of the serpent; and vengeful spirits move through the winds as the goddess gnashes with fury for the death of her son. This treacherous desert still keeps many men from crossing safely.


And what of those rogues who supposedly prowl this land? The spell callers. Why is it that they have been able to tame the sands and make it their home?


You speak of the mystics of the Demon Clan. Some would argue whether they are men at all... (looks off into the distance) It is ill luck to mention the devil while in his den. I will speak no more on this.

The CAPTAIN chuckles dismissively. The sun continues to descend over the blackening horizon; its light glinting in narrow slits from behind the pillars of rock as the canyons thicken.

GUIDE Now is a good time to halt. The sky darkens and the land hardens. The canyons are too treacherous to navigate at night.

The Captain glances up at the sky and snorts.



The moon is out. We can continue for a few more hours. This ark is made of petrified wood from the forests of Rhudenia, the strongest ever. It can manage a few knicks should we stumble upon some rocks. (grins sarcastically) Or is there another monster I need to be aware of?


I could tell you of a lot more than monsters you need to be weary of when traveling the desert at night, but you Superiors have ears made deaf by pride.

The CAPTAIN gives him a look that suggests he should have his head for that remark. They continue their passage. The canyons begins to give the appearance of a graveyard. Suddenly, before the sun's light has vanished from the earth, the ark comes to a halt.


The CAPTAIN looks at the PILOT who returns a befuddled expression. The CAPTAIN begins barking orders to the crew as he marches across the deck to find out what's wrong. When he returns it is clear that he has no answer. He glances briefly at the GUIDE. The GUIDE sees his uncertainty and gazes off into the vacant desert. A nervous tension envelops the deck.


A violent tremble siezes the Ark. It begins to tilt; the wood creaking and moaning. The CAPTAIN puts a hand on the hilt of his sword although there is no sign of visible threat. Another tremble jerks the Ark further sideways. The crew begin reaching for rails and each other as they start sliding off the deck. One crewman's eyes go wide with terror as he spots something far and above.


A twin pair of black twisters rise from the sand and tower over the desert. At the peak of each is the shape of something in the form of a man. MYSTICS. The crew erupts in panic. From out of the spiraling sand two phantoms fly towards the ark like speeding hawks. The moment they hit the deck it splits in half. The duo blitz through the crew in a furious flurry of wind and light. At times they hover in the air (aided by the magic of the mages sitting atop the twisters) and explode into parts of the Ark like canons. Whenever they hit they knock holes through the deck and hull and the ArK begins to crumble and fold. The CAPTAIN's sword clanks as it hits the ground unused. In its reflection the CAPTAIN's dead eyes are seen wide and white; the blank stare of confusion. The crumbling Ark begins to rise from the sand. The MYSTICS encircle it as the once impenatrable vessel is molded into a diamond shaped heap. The cries of the crew fade into silence.






The silver of the twilight moon glitters over the desert. The great Ark now rests in the depths of a tremendous sand dune. It is being disassembled by a race of camel faced men called Guaros. The Guaros haul the Ark scraps using unique industrial construction vehicles and four legged beasts of burden called ankanos. The grunt work of the labor is performed by a race called Ingrims, similar to the Guaros but smaller and more sheepish features.


Upon one scrap pile stands BLUSAGE DA' KAIO, a fellow in his early 20s, muscular with broad hammer-like shoulders. He is dressed in only a long forked kilt and heavy bandages that wrap along his forearms. The moon light skips on his peculiar skin, as gray as ash with a pattern of stripes that run wave like along his his bare scalp. With arms crossed his turquoise eyes peer below fixing on one particular Guaro as he barks orders to five Ingrims struggling to hoist a large piece of equipment.


A gust of wind stirs him. He looks over his shoulder to see a mystic named DHUZIN levitating from above. DHUZIN is only four feet tall and could easily be mistaken for a child. He has faint purple skin and wears baggy clothing and a cylindrical turban to top off his unique appearance.


Not going to lend our friends a hand?


You would be more helpful than anything I can do.


The Ingrims drop their load. The Guaro marches on them and begins dealing heavy fisted blows, knocking them to the ground. DHUZIN hovers closer to the scene and begins waving his hands about. Instantly the Ark scrap lifts as if by a magnet and then floats onto the wagon, but this does not stop the Guaro who seems keen on beating the Ingrims to death. BLUSAGE leaps from the wreckage, shooting down like a meteor among them. He does not speak but raises a hand for the Guaro to stop. The Guaro gives him a long hard glare, but turns and stomps away.


You shouldn't do that. Let the Guaros deal with their slaves as they wish.


All of that wasn't necessary.


DHUZIN (scoffs)

If you really cared you would have stepped in to help before it got to that point.


BLUSAGE looks down at the Ingrims who gaze up at him with a wide eyed mix of gratitude, admiration and fright. He turns away with a hint of disgust. He and DHUZIN begin walking amongst the ruins as it is quickly resembling more of a scattered junkyard. They begin moving and loading Ark pieces; BLUSAGE with his strength and DHUZIN with his kinetic powers. DHUZIN notices the frown on his comrade's face as he continues to eye the Guaros and the Ingrims.


Is everything good?


BLUSAGE (mutters)

I didn't sign up for this shit.


What's that?


You know when I enjoyed our band I didn't envision becoming a watchdog for Guaros. We might as well pick up shovels and join the Ingrims if this is to be our lot.


Ahhh I see. This is beneath you. There is a lot more grueling work to do than this if you are to become a Knight you know.


But at least I would be training to become one. How are we going to get official training in the mystic arts if the clans don't see we are worthy. I doubt they even know our band exists.


Don't sleep on what the clans know. The moment you try to go rogue-


We all know what they'll do.


BLUSAGE throws one last large Ark scrap onto a pile. He looks around suspiciously with the hint of a scowl.


The way the system is set up... I think they have too much power.


Careful now. You wouldn't want the wrong person to hear these things.


Like you?


DHUZIN remains silent. They walk together through the ruins keeping a distance from the Guaros.


I get the feeling that our band is already beginning to dismantle. You sound like you're going to jump off.


I'm just tired of waiting... tired of being passed up when I know I could do more if given the opportunity.


(insert maybe?)


How has your training fared?


As good as it's always been I guess. Why do you ask?


There are other ways of currying favor with the clans. Do you think if you were given a private audience before a council - a chance to display your abilities - that you would be able to show them these 'gifts' you've been telling me about?


How would you be able to set up a private exhibition?


Don't worry about that. If I can get you before them will you be able perform?


I'm not 100% ready. There's still way more that I need to develop but... what I am capable of is more than enough to astound them. I'm sure of that.


The two divert a bit from the caravan of Guaros and rise upon a high sand dune, watching them single file across the sea of sand like an army of marching ants. On the horizon's edge beneath the night sky there are black angular structures stretching across. Vague lights of fire or some strange substance provides a dim glow from within them. It is a Guaro hive.


Then you'd best sharpen your skills. I will hone mine as well...

You ever wonder what they're doing with these Arks?


All the time. It begs to question how the Guaros have managed to bribe the clans to assist them with all this. I've never seen a Guaro hive before.


DHUZIN (smirks)

And as long as you aim to become a Mystic Knight then you won't. Prying eyes go blind it is said.

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