Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Story Demo Movie Script

 Standind atop the roof of one temple is a young man wearing baggy silk pants.  His bare torso reveals a lean, muscular form with peculiar ash gray skin.  He's absent hair but faint stripes can vaguely be seen patterned on his scalp.  He wears a perpetually disinterested look, but his turquoise eyes have a mysterious intensity.  BLUSAGE scans the horizon for a moment and notices a ROYAL CARAVAN approaching the temple.  He half drops- half slithers through a window beneath him.






Blusage enters a temple chamber with great statues.  Gold and crystal studded relics are held or worn by these statues.  Throughout the room near each a Chryslan stands guard.  Blusage stops at the feet of a stone ogre carrying a scimitar that shines like a star.  It's hilt is platinum with ruby gems decked within.  A voice off screen jars him.



You're late!


BLUSAGE turns to face a tall, broad shouldered woman with lavender skin and midnight pink hair tied in a bun; LIEU TERRA.



I told you we would have a presentation today.  I told you to get here early!


She leers at him, waiting for an answer.  He remains silent for a moment (as if he owes her no explanation).



The gallery hasn't started.  The precession isn't even at the gate.  I'd say I'm early.


He turns his back on her and walks across the room to take his post.  She stalks him.



You're not even in uniform!  (she turns to another guard) Bring me a tunic.  What are you thinking coming in like this Blusage?  


BLUSAGE (smirks)

I was thinking we need a new dress code.  Show off the impressive physiques of your lil' guard dogs to help enhance the show.


TERRA eyes his gray skin with disgust.



I might not have a problem with that if one of our sentinels had earned his colors by now.


Blusage grits his teeth and gives her a death stare before turning to get the uniform from the other guard.  The doors open and the procession enters, gawking at the statues.  They are a mix of elvish looking people dressed in splendid regalia.  A short fat Chryslan AMBASSADOR leads them in.



Welcome to Cloud Temple!  Gaze upon mystic talismans, magic orbs and the finest relics crafted from over 3,000 years of Chryslan enchantment.  



We proudly present to you the first of our Enchantments, the Astral Sceptre!


A guard steps forth bearing a gold double headed pole.  At the tip of each head is an opening.  Terra brings him two jewels the size of tangerines.  He places each jewel into the openings (they float into place like magnets) and immediately the pole begins to vibrate.  He holds it steady as shards of light begin to flutter out from the ends.  He begins twirling the staff about expertly, the shards spinning in all directions.



The Astral Sceptre was wielded by Tal' Challa in his battle against the Horde on Mount Thane.  Standing atop its peak he vanquished thousands of demonic minions.  


More guards roll out a dozen armored dummies on carts and surround the sceptre-wielding guard.  He waves his sceptre and strikes two of the dummies directly in the chest.  The crystal shards explode into a swarm like wasps and begin to slice through all of the dummies.  In only seconds the dummies hang limp with thousands of holes gaping through the armor.


Through the awe of the crowd Blusage hears the guard next to him.



Is that really the Sceptre of Tal' Challa?



No you idiot.  That's just a random replica some crystal smith concocted.  They name it that so they can jip these fools for 10 times what it's worth.



It's powerful though.  (through clenched lips)  I don't think it's wise to sell these toys  to strangers.



Don't matter though.  Whoever buys it won't be capable enough to wield it.  Just something they can show off to all their lil' princes and lordlings.


TERRA eyes him with a cutting stare.  The display follows with another guard bringing forth a large purple crystal.  The outer shell of its sides break off and begin to hover around it, propelling it in the air.  A few other spectacular items follow.


TERRA then approaches BLUSAGE with a glass case containing two silver hilts with no blades.  BLUSAGE reaches for them -



Just one.



I can handle both of them.



No.  There's too many people here... and it takes a master to wield both.



I can -


TERRA (hissing whisper)

Look!  The fact that I'm letting you present a Wing at all is an act of grace.  There are a lot of important people here and -



Got it.



Don't mess this up!


BLUSAGE (glares)

Got it!


He takes one hilt and saunters to the center, casually twirling it in his fingers.



And for our final enchanted relic I bring to you the Wing(s) of Soria!


Particles of light dust begin to flow from the hilt, compacting together to form a brilliant curving blade but unlike a common blade it is divided in three parts and hovers like the feathers of a wing above the hilt.  BLUSAGE twirls the hilt some more and the blades follow in wide sweeping arcs.  They seem to move in sync with BLUSAGE's movements for at times he spins and they swirl like a mini twister.



Soria was the great phoenix from the Ancient days.  The Phoenix who battled across the cosmos against the dread serpent Sarokhan.  Their battle shook the heavens and would have rung eternal, but holy and valiant Soria exploded into a wreath of fire that consumed them both, sacrificing herself so that peace could be restored.


Despite the crowd's amusement Blusage is clearly bored.  He passes by TERRA still holding the case with the other hilt.  He snatches it.  Immediately another series of blades appears and he performs a dazzling display.  The crowd gawks and applauds.  Terra looks constipated with rage and fear.


He grows too cocky, drunk by the praise of the onlookers.  One of the blades rockets out as he gives a careless swing.  It shoots through the crowd.  Screams erupt as the other blades follow it.  Blusage flicks his wrist to get them to come back to the hilt but he is too far or doesn't have enough control.  They bounce and ricochet across the room.  He deactivates the blades to the other hilt and springs across the room to chase down the others.  Terra and the guards rush to get the crowd low and herd them behind protective pillars or coverings.  He catches one blade as it ricochets off the throat of a monstrous statue.  He jukes to avoid his foot being crushed by the decapitated statue's head.  He pounces off the hunched back of one woman who ducks to avoid a blade spinning towards her.  When in range of the hilt it magnetically attaches back to it.  He leaps across the room and finally catches the final blade before it can split the skull of one lord.  The lord faints.  With all blades caught he quickly deactivates the hilt.






Blusage slumps by a pillar with arms folded, brooding.  He ponders what went wrong and how he could have lost control of the blade.  Terra, the Ambassador, some guards and a tall stranger approach him.  Terra curls her fingers as if to strangle him.



I told you only one!  ONE!  This is it!  You're through!  Once the elders hear of this you'll be shoveling stones for eternity!


AMBASSADOR (uses his free hand to wag a finger)

Shoveling stones?  Ptah!  We should have your head for this!  Do you have any idea the guests who were present for this?  If even one gives the word then we'll bury you under the temple!  And next to the roach nests!


The stranger steps forward; XIN, a mysterious looking middle aged man wearing a tall dark turban.  A purple winged raven sits on his shoulder and peers keenly at Blusage.



But who would give such a word... after such a fine display.  Your skill with a star blade is remarkable.  It beckons one to ponder what you could do more advanced training.



Nice to know someone appreciates talent (eyes Terra)... unlike some people I know.


TERRA tries to throttle him but is held back by the guards.



Talent will shatter when you're a lazy reckless prick!  (the guards start ushering her away from him)  We're not done here!



No.  Not at all.  We will find a way to put this gifted one to use.


Xin smiles.  His raven continues peering.  Blusage furrows his brow mistrustfully.  The group departs.






TERRA and some other high ranking temple leaders wait upon an oval platform bordered by pillars.  At the center is a building that is the hall of the Elder Chryslans.  BLUSAGE shows up with an escort on a floating disc.



Your defiance amazes me.  Even on the day of your hearing you refuse to be on time.



I knew how much you were looking forward to this so I wanted you to enjoy the build up.



How considerate of you.  This shouldn't take long though.


TERRA and the other leaders march towards the hall.  BLUSAGE follows.

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Story Demo Movie Script

  Standind atop the roof of one temple is a young man wearing baggy silk pants.  His bare torso reveals a lean, muscular form with peculiar ...