Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Story Demo Script

 (Blusage and his father.  A Dream Deferred)



Sweeping overhead view of a range of black land prairies.  Camera soars over the rolling hills like an eagle in flight.  Small settlements start to appear over the landscape, a cross between western like cabins and Arabian dirt huts.  The settlements start to cluster into the little town of Tapokia, which sits beneath the rising sun.  Camera zooms towards the sun before rapidly cutting to the humble village.




The sun peers above BLUSAGE crouching on the rooftops.  He is  a 12 year old boy with strange ash gray skin and black stripes on his head that run down to the back of his neck and his shoulders. He is shirtless, revealing a lean, broad shouldered frame for his age.  His turquoise-silver eyes peer keen and hawk-like down at the people crowding in the streets below.  They are a mix of humans and another race called Ingrims; short sheep like people who are of a pastoral culture.


A  BAND OF MYSTICS enters the town with a large caravan trailing them.  They dress in dark, baggy garbs and have a diverse appearance; most of their kind have elven features with pale teal or purple skin.  Their caravan consists of gypsy like wagons with harems, camels, exotic birds, an elephant, and a prehistoric ox like monster with tremendous horns that spiral out.

Blusage nimbly leaps and jukes across the rooftops as the caravans passes below, displaying tremendous footwork as he keeps up with them.  His movements are at times beast like.  He follows them until they arrive at the local inns and begin to settle.  The crowd follows them with a mix of reactions; mostly awe and admiration, but many are fearful and withdraw from them.


Later, children gather around a well in the center of the town square near the markets.  They sit around two mystics; MYSTIC 1, a slim teal skinned fellow with long elf ears that stick out horizontally from beneath his jeweled turban.  MYSTIC 2 is the size of a 10 year old child, purple skinned, with baggy clothing and a cylindrical turban that covers his ears.  They bear an easy going swagger giving the children mysterious looks and casual grins as they act out the tales of their feats.  BLUSAGE watches them from a distance.



(stalks slowly while brandishing a jeweled scimitar)

There was about 30 of them, and only me and the Fatal Dawn (slides his fingers along the edge of his sword)... but we were in the narrow cliff pass and their numbers meant nothing.  One by one I cut them down as a cleaver through grass...


MYSTIC 1 starts cutting arcs through the air, slashing at invisible foes with sly footwork.  The children are entranced, and some gape with giggles as he playfully jabs at them.  MYSTIC 2 has his elbow resting on the well, a smirk on his face.



Easy now.  I think the lil' ones may need to help you with your math.  It was more like 15 Guaros you fought, but I suppose it's easier to just round up.  Still an impressive feat... but a Ka' Sai warrior would laugh if you tried braggin' about your 30 imaginary villains to one of them.


MYSTIC 2 gets off the well and begins to gesture to the children as he tells his story.


MYSTIC 2 (cont'd)

You see young'ns, the Ka' Sai are no ordinary warriors.  They are one of the mystic families, and they don't rely on mere steel to do their bloodwork.  I have seen them...bizarre fightin' monks who can perform all sorts of supernatural feats.  With my own eyes I have seen one - just one - vanquish 100 men.  When 20 or more of them battle together they can send entire armies fleeing.  They are so potent they don't even answer to the other mystic orders.  Some would say of them that they are the Chosen Ones from among the gods.


MYSTIC 2 gestures towards the heavens.  BLUSAGE leans closer to hear more but is struck sudden by the stern voice of LUTHANEAS, his father.



Blusage!  We're headed to the temple.


Strong weathered fingers from hands that have worked many hard days clasp him on the shoulder.  BLUSAGE jumps from his trance and looks back at a large, muscular man in his 40s, a dark gray version of himself, dressed in a simple sleeveless tunic and pants.  Blusage's eyes dim as he looks down begrudgingly. MYSTIC 1 looks up, taking a bit of interest in them.  He nods while grinning at LUTHANEAS.  LUTHANEAS face hardens into a frown.  They turn to leave.


Cut to afternoon.  A view of the great stone hills that neighbor Tapokia.  Scene is reminiscent of a biblical setting with a few stone temples rising from the hilltops.




BLUSAGE is standing next to his father as well as his mother, FEA, who has long curled hair streaked with purple.  She is also gray skinned but with a little more tan, beige in her hue.  BLUSAGE watches with undisguised boredom as an Ingrim priest sprinkles some glittering dust concoction into a great bronze bowl.  Some acolytes then bring a torch to him.  He looks up.  There is a rectangular opening in the ceiling which reveals the sky.  A few faint stars and the distant hazy moon can be seen through this heavenly window.  The priest throws his arms in the air, chants some prayers, and then tosses the torch into the bowl.  A cloud of gray smoke rises and fills the temple with flashes of twinkling light shimmering throughout it like small firecrackers.  Everyone present is staring in awe...except for BLUSAGE.

When this is finished the priest gestures towards LUTHANEAS who comes to the front.  A scribe brings him a worn, holy book.  LUTHANEAS flips through it to a certain passage and begins reading.



Although you grow weary (pausing for effect)...and the troubles of this age bring your head low... I have not forgotten you.  Indeed I am with you.  I will bring my children to bear comfort to you...for they are of the wonders of heaven, a glimpse of the eternal peace my fruit bears...I will shower your faith and your righteousness with gifts.  My children will bestow you with the mark of my blessings, and from them I will pour unto you an abundance of joy, love, and healing...so that all may know that you are my Chosen Ones and that the Lord of Heaven watches over you.


As LUTHANEAS speaks his voice raises with emotional inflections.  The strong man's eyes glisten proudly as he begins to preach.




As they leave the temple FEA looks at her son and notices his daydreaming gaze.



What did you think of the sermon dear?



It was alright.



Sounds like it bored you.


LUTHANEAS (grunts)

More than the tales of those mystics?  I would have thought listening to the scriptures of the Children of the Stars would have intrigued you more.



I like them fine it's just...the mystics tell stories about things that actually happened.



The verses from the Epics are true as well Blusage.



I know…  They just happened so long ago.  And I've never seen anything like what they talk about.




You've never seen any of the things those blood thieves talk about either.  They can spin many spells with their lips – and none more potent than the lies they twist from truth



But they do show some proof of the things they speak of.  That big beast with the horns.  Did you know that comes from Apec Peaks?  They say it comes from the mountains beyond the Mystic Caves!



And where are the Mystic Caves son?



I dunno.  Probably in the great desert somewhere.  That’s how they get here right?



You are getting too old to sit around listening to their fantasies. Those are children’s stories


BLUSAGE (mutters)

Then why do we listen to stories about "Star children"?


LUTHANEAS (gives him a hard glare)

Because we descend from them, and all that we have is from the Lord's grace.



We carry forth their blessings dear.  You have no idea how blessed you are.


BLUSAGE goes silent as they pass some Ingrims.  They don't speak but BLUSAGE sees a sick looking young one gazing at them, dazzled by their strange skin and their stripes.  BLUSAGE smiles uncomfortably and looks away.



The Ingrims seem to pray a lot.  They're always in the temples.  Why aren’t they blessed?



What makes you think they are not?



They used to dwell on the Golden Plains I was told.  They lived there peacefully forever, but they were too weak.  The strong men came and took their land from them and made them slaves.  Now they only live here with us in Tapokia… or in the deserts.



They indeed have endured much.  But there is a peace in them that is absent in most who seem to have more.



Only the Lord can provide that.  And I assure you that they shall be rewarded for their faith.


BLUSAGE looks back at the Ingrims doubtfully, then up towards the sky.



Looks like only a bit of light left.  (smirks)  You not too old to get beat in a few reps are you?


LUTHANEAS gives him a credulous look while FEA grins




Scene changes to a hill near a forest, overlooking a marvelous sunset.  BLUSAGE and LUTHANEAS are standing at the edge of the forest facing each other with curved, blunted short swords in their hands.  Camera cuts back and forth between the two as their eyes lock in a silent duel.  Suddenly LUTHANEAS leaps back into the forest with superhuman swiftness.  BLUSAGE darts after him, matching his own speed.  As soon as he gets in reach of his father he begins cutting at him with his sword.  LUTHANEAS darts between the trees and narrowly avoids the blade time and time again, occasionally countering the attack with a few strikes of his own.  Throughout the duel the two continue to move at high speeds, rarely staying in one place for long.  LUTHANEAS then feints a strike at BLUSAGE’s legs, causing him to lose balance, then he pounces off the side of a tree and disappears up into the limbs.

The woods darken.  BLUSAGE prowls in search of his father.  The rustling of leaves causes him to search one opening.  A large dark figure shoots down on him like a bird of prey.  LUTHANEAS pins the back of BLUSAGE’s head to the ground with his forearm pressed against his neck.  LUTHANEAS’s stripes glimmer beneath the light of the emerging moon and stars, giving him the aura of a silent specter.



Your vision betrays you.



But I was close this time.  Next time I will have you




(unpins him and extends a hand to help him up)

Next time you would still be dead from this time… so your vengeance is in vain.



Perhaps my spirit in the afterworld would come to get you.



Your spirit would be at rest among the stars.


The two walk through the woods until they return to the hill.  BLUSAGE takes a seat.



How much more did you learn from training as a Ka’Sai warrior?



(bristles)  I told you.  I was never a Ka’Sai.



Could have fooled me.  You fight like they do.



Have you ever seen a Ka’Sai fight?



No but I’ve heard-



No one in Tapokia has ever seen a Ka’Sai truly fight so they know not what they speak of - not even the blood thieves.



Why did you stop training then?



(looks down at his knees while rubbing his neck with a grimace)

My body could not fulfill the trials.  It was not in the Lord’s will for me to become one of the holy knights.


BLUSAGE studies his father’s face and senses there is regret that his dream did not come true.



That sucks.  I think you would have been one of the best among them… even if I haven’t seen them



It worked out for the better.  I would not have you if I had stayed on that path.



Some trade off that is.  Give up being one of the greatest warriors in the whole world and you get… me (with slight disgust)



(frowns)  There has been no greater blessing in my life than you and your mother.  Unworthy was I to receive such a gift, but the Lord graced me despite that.


They sit quietly for a time, soaking in the celestial skies and the sounds of abundant nature in the lively night.



Your mother and I will be leaving soon on a pilgrimage with the Ingrims.  We will need you to maintain the home while we are gone.



How long will you be gone?



However long the Lord wills it



(rolls his eyes)

That could be forever!



The stars will guide us home when the time is right.



The stars seem pretty silent to me.  I don’t think I could wait that long without an answer.


LUTHANEAS sits next to his son and places a hand on his shoulder.



They will watch over you as they have us.  Blusage… there will come a time when you will have to put your trust in something more than just yourself.  More than just what you can see.  The wise man knows that his eyes are at times as blind as the fool’s, all while the fool claims that he  

sees everything even in the dark.


BLUSAGE just frowns as he ponders over that, then folds his arms and rests his chin on them, gazing up at the vast sea of stars...




(His Parents Depart.  Father bestows him with the phoenix wing)




BLUSAGE stands near the village outskirts as he watches his family preparing for the journey.  His father is at the head of the pilgrims next to a very old Ingrim.  He makes sure FEA is secured on her camel before turning away from them and heading towards his son.



Blusage.  I almost forgot.


He reaches into his pocket and hands him a small sack.  BLUSAGE looks in the bag and sees silver coins.



Thanks father, but I have all the coin I should need at the house.



Look closer.  There's more than mere silver there.


BLUSAGE reaches around and then pulls out a peculiar shiny trinket.  It is a crystal crafted in the shape of a single wing.  BLUSAGE studies it for a moment.



An eagle wing!  Where did you get this?



That's not an eagle's wing.  This belongs to the phoenix, the great bird of heaven and magic.  Given to me by a Ka’ Sai warrior, it is one of the few symbols that both the mystics and the holy men revere.



Thank you father


They exchange a firm hand shake, then embrace one last time.  BLUSAGE watches them as the caravan begins its journey.  He goes up on one of the hills so he can get a better view of them as they depart.  Up here the rising sun stands directly before them, and lights the pilgrimers with a radiant orange aura, like a beacon.  They diminish in size like ants trailing over the hill.  Then vanish.

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