Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Story Demo World Building & Myth


The Mistworld

The vast realm where land, ocean and sea are covered with thick fogs that blend the worlds together.  For this reason some call it the Dream World.  The people who live in the lower realms of the Mists live in the Deep, which bears darker and poisonous clouds.

"Alas when the mouth of chaos opened a stream of clouds bellowed from it.  They settled among the mountains, the trees, the rivers, the plains and even the seas.  The gods decreed these mists would remain to prevent the realms from uniting once more."

The Flood

A supernatural disaster which swallowed much of the earth and formed what is now called the Mistworld.  Multiple floods have occured and they are said to be caused by the wrath of the gods when they are displeased with the perversions of man.

Hollow Point Canyon

the place where Blusage's clan of Ripturion dwell.  It is a canyon that cuts between Mount Superior and the Sunbelt.

Foul Earth

Some boulders and trees are not what they seem.  At times the land grows treacherous and begins to cause unnatural land slides and swallow people into the underworld.  This Foul Earth is remnants of the Prehistoric Titans, but possessed by evil spirits.  When a Caster comes about

Valley of Glum

In the deeper parts of the Mistworld there are a vast expanse of canyons which choke on the dark clouds which sank at the bottom.  Here the ravens cry and carry forth tidings of doom.  The men of this realm, pack dwellers of conniving and swarthy sorts, form fierce tribes and war among each other endlessly.  From forgotten legends the gods in their wrath have blotted this realm from their memory.  But one from among the clans, a mystical warrior with a spirit of hope, sets his eyes upon the stars and climbs for Mount Superior.  With gritted teeth and knotted muscles he clinches the jagged rock as he climbs.  For upon Mount Superior the temple of Glories resides, and this is where the Celestial Beacons are held.  With these the mists can be removed and peace be brought to the Valley of Glum.

River of the Ethers

A dark and mysterious realm which can only be found once one has eaten of the fruit of Adeias.  It is a gray green, blurry and cavernous world with deep pools and unsure footing.  When one traverses this world they are prone to be approached by strange spirits, demons who use them to latch into the material world.



Storm Breakers

Certain blessed individuals of the Mistworld can alter the currents of the wind and/or waters.  They are the trailblazers of this world, a very precious asset to those who wish to travel to places hidden in the dark clouds.



A terrible dragon which guards the Tree of the Underworld.  It prevents any deemed unworthy of possessing the Fruit of Adeias.

Prehistoric Titans

Many of the floating rocks and mystical objects of the mistworld are relics from the Prehistoric Titans which roamed amidst the Ethers of Primordia.  Sometimes the mountains shift, great boulders float amidst the skies - in fact entire continents!  Strange golems sometimes morph from out of nature's womb.  These are said to be the remnants of the Prehistoric Titans.

Sei Jinn

A great spirit trapped within the nightmare realm.  They can only be summoned when light energy is absorbed by the beacons and/or when wind energy is gathered from powerful Storm Breakers.  When summoned they can bestow their masters with terrible powers from the dark realms of the abyss.




Wind Chai

Mystic wrist wraps which help a Storm Breaker channel the winds with greater accuracy.  They can magnetically summon stones and other objects and be used to fling them with greater force.

The Fruit of Adeias

The forbidden fruit hanging from a tree which rests within the forest of Eternia.  It is guarded by a terrible monster called the LaRok.  This fruit is said to open the eyes of whoever eats it, awakening their hidden powers and revealing them esoteric knowledge which will help guide their path.  But what is not mentioned is the addictive nature of its juice, and what too much consumption does to the mind...

The Magical Chair

Blusage discovers a silver chair in the Corinthian Labyrinth.  It is a chair which bestows healing, allows one's mind to become one with the universe, and thus can lead one to mastery/sovereignty over what he or she wills.  But the longer one sits in it the more one wishes to be ruler over not only himself, but over all others.



The Games of Superium

After the Heavens were shattered and their realms dispersed amongst the mists of chaos, the goddess Ereiu beckoned forth from her womb a terrifying serpent.  It was Inkadu the Dread.  When he opened his maw he could swallow the seas.  When he spat he melted islands.  His belch trembled even the gods.

But the hero Uponus descended from on high to slay the demon.  But when he released his bow the arrows would not pierce the impenatrable scales.  And so he climbed Mount Superior, for the serpent coiled around it when it slumbered.  From its peak above the clouds he leaped and rode down Inkadu's twisting spine, using the winds of Eroleus to propel him faster.  When he neared the dragon's head he launched up high and crashed down his mighty fists upon the skull, delivering the monster to eternal rest.

For this the gods crowned Uponus their king.

In honor of this legend the Games of Superion were thus created, those competitions which drew the great champions from across the Lost Continents.  Chariot racing, sprinting, and boxing.  Those who were victorious in these emerged to hold dominion over the islands.

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